human liver

Ways You Can Take Care of Your Liver

Healthy Lifestyle
Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly help the liver to work well. Eating an unhealthy diet can lead to liver disease. For example, a person who eats a lot of fatty foods is at higher risk of being overweight and having non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

  • Eat foods from all the food groups: grains, protein, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and fats
  • Eat foods that have a lot of fiber such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, rice and cereals

Limit the Amount of Alcohol You Drink
Alcohol can damage or destroy liver cells. Liver damage can lead to the build up of fat in your liver (fatty liver), inflammation or swelling of your liver (alcoholic hepatitis), and/or scarring of your liver (cirrhosis). For people with liver disease, even a small amount of alcohol can make the disease worse. Talk to your doctor about what amount of alcohol is right for you.

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Our kidneys play a vital role in excreting drugs and toxins in the body but sometimes sheer numbers can be overwhelming and they need some help from us. Kidney diseases are silent killers, which will largely affect your quality of life. There are however secrets to kidney health which reduce the risk of developing kidney disease. High blood pressure, diabetes or a family history of kidney failure put one at an increased risk of developing kidney disease. But even if you don’t fit in any of those risk categories, it’s important to take care of these critically important organs.  You may need to undergo some detoxing therapy and you certainly need to be constantly on guard against the many drugs and other toxins that can actually harm your kidneys.

human kidney

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Many people of this present generation is so conscious of not putting on fat. Here we try to 10 ways to burn calories without going to the gym and hope it really helps you. 

Good belly swimming laugh – Laughter is not only the best medicine, it is the one of the most effortless ways to burn calories. Chuckling through a 15-minute stand-up comedy routine can burn between 10 and 40 calories. And this feel-good activity releases a feel-good hormone called serotonin that could reduce appetite.

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Story highlights

  • A lack of sleep can contribute to behavior issues and even health problems such as obesity
  • Many parents worry that media and technology interfere with bedtime routines and sleep

Parents know firsthand the impact a poor night’s sleep has on kids. Lack of sleep can contribute to crankiness, problems with attention and learning, behavior issues, and even health problems such as obesity. Though the reasons for poor sleep vary, many parents worry that media and technology interfere with bedtime routines and sleep.


The New Resistant Gonorrhoea

Gonorrhoea cell
Gonorrhoea cell

Oral sex is producing dangerous gonorrhoea and a decline in condom use is helping it to spread, the World Health Organization has said.

It warns that if someone contracts gonorrhoea, it is now much harder to treat, and in some cases impossible.

The sexually transmitted infection is rapidly developing resistance to antibiotics.

Experts said the situation was “fairly grim” with few new drugs on the horizon.

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Use the following tips – Embark on a heart-healthy lifestyle to fight heart disease.


1. Schedule a Yearly Checkup

Your heart is in your hands. One of the Ways to Take Charge of Your Heart is each year on your birthday, schedule a checkup to have your blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels checked, and ask your doctor to help you reach or maintain a healthy weight. Be sure to follow your healthcare professional’s recommendations, including taking prescribed medications as directed.

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 Artificial Insemination

process of artificial insemination
Process of artificial insemination. Photocredit: meandmummyindia

Treatment Overview

An insemination procedure uses a thin, flexible tube (catheter) to put sperm into the woman’s reproductive tract. For some couples with infertility problems, insemination can improve the chances of pregnancy.

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Baby care tips – Things you need to care for your baby

This detailed, carefully-researched guide takes you through everything you need to care for your baby, according to science.

There are countless products out there aimed at new parents, designed to make your transition into parenthood as smooth as possible. However, the quantity of merchandise out there can make it hard to know what’s necessary and what’s a waste of money. Read on to to become an expert at choosing baby products.

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